May 2015
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, TenPoint Crossbow Technologies is announcing a voluntary recall to self-test, and if necessary, repair certain TenPoint and Wicked Ridge crossbows.
TenPoint has discovered that arrows can release from certain crossbows following a sequence of actions involving: 1. pulling the trigger when the safety is on “safe”, 2. moving the safety slide to “fire”, 3. attempting unsuccessfully to return the safety to “safe”, and 4. pulling the trigger a second time believing the trigger is on “safe”.
TenPoint is requesting that owners of these models conduct a simple self-test to determine if their crossbow requires the recall and repair.
Please click here to download the complete Important Safety Notice.
Please click here to download the self-test written instructions.
Please click here to view the self-test video.
To determine if your crossbow is subject to the voluntary recall, please complete the following steps:
Step 1
Do you currently own one of the following crossbow models? If so, please proceed to Step #2.
Step 2
Is your crossbow equipped with a "Void If Removed" sticker on the back of the trigger box? (Where do I find a "Void If Removed" sticker?)- If your crossbow is not equipped with this sticker, please proceed to Step #3.
- If your crossbow is equipped with this sticker, we have already upgraded your trigger safety, and you do not need to return the crossbow for repair.
Step 3
Enter your Serial Number to determine if your crossbow is included in this recall. (Where do I find my Serial Number?)Check serial number
Good News!
The serial number indicates that we have already updated your trigger safety, and you do not need to return the crossbow for repair.Good News!
The serial number indicates that your crossbow is not included this recall.
The serial number you supplied indicates that your crossbow is included in this recall and, therefore, should be tested to determine if it presents the trigger safety hazard.
Step 4
Please view the video below to perform the self-test or click here to follow the written instructions of the self-test.
Please choose from one of the following options below:
My crossbow passed the test.My crossbow failed the test.
I do not feel comfortable performing this self-test.
Go To Step 5
Step 5
If your crossbow presents the trigger safety hazard explained in the video, we urge you to return it to TenPoint for a free repair. Please call TenPoint at (800) 548-6837 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time or email us at [email protected]
When returning your crossbow, do not ship your entire crossbow. Please remove your bow assembly, scope and any accessories prior to shipping the stock assembly. Click here to view a video on how to remove the front end of your crossbow.
If you still have questions, please view our list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the recall or contact TenPoint at (800) 548-6837.